Holy Guardian Angels is a permanently closed Catholic parish in St. Louis City, MO. The parish was founded in 1866. The parish closed in 1991.
- Year founded: 1866
- Year closed: 1991 (125 years)
- Territory merged into: St. Vincent DePaul - St. Louis City (Currently Open)
Formed out of Annunciation, Saint Malachy, Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist, and Saint Vincent de Paul. The parish was located west of St. Vincent de Paul Parish and north of Lafayette Park. “At the time of its organization and long after it consisted of a large number of old and distinguished Catholic families, like the Delaneys, Barrys, Papins, Boislinieres, Primms, and Dillons. The neighborhood was one of the finest residence districts of Old St. Louis.” –Rothensteiner, p. 464 .... By 1928, parish enrollment was declining although the school still had 200 pupils.
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Main image copyright St. Louis Catholic Archdiocese Archives