St. Leo (St. Louis City)

St. Leo is a permanently closed Catholic parish in St. Louis City, MO. The parish was founded in 1888. The parish closed in 1978.

Photo of St. Leo Catholic Church - 1959

Formed out of Saint Bridget and Saint Teresa. Reopened as a shrine in 1971 before formally closing in 1978.


Photo of St. Leo Catholic Church - 1959
Main church, 1959
Photo of St. Leo Catholic School - 1959
School, 1959
Photo of St. Leo Catholic Church Rectory - 1940
Rectory, 1940
Photo of St. Leo Catholic School - 1903
School, 1903
Postcard photos of St. Leo Catholic Church and School
Photo of St. Leo Catholic Church - 1900
Church building, 1900
Photo of the interior of St. Leo Catholic Church - 1900
Interior of church, 1900
Photo of the demnolition of the interior of St. Leo Catholic Church - 1978
Interior during demolition, 1978


As of 2022, building is within the footprint of the new NGA facility, and the cross streets where it was located have been removed.

The building was demolished in 1978.



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